Make it Better – With Lucas Butters…
It’s amazing what a little pat of butter can do. It’s even more amazing to see what a little pat of Lucas Kitchen Garlic Butter can do! It can add colour and interest to a rather simple chicken breast: It can make beef tournados look so much more tempting.
And that’s just the beginning…
Mashed potato with a pat of butter suddenly looks mouth-watering: Buttery beans are the best: Mushrooms oozing melted butter are there to be enjoyed: Buttered sweetcorn with added flavour and colour is sensational.
If it seems that we’re totally convinced about our new Butters – we are. So are retail butchers across the UK who have tried our new Garlic Butters and given them a resoundingly positive reception.
Our Garlic Butter is a perfectly portioned Butter floret, blended with fresh garlic, parsley and herbs, with a hint of lemon. This richly flavoured butter melts to enhance a wide variety of meats and side dishes: steaks, chicken kiev, lamb cuts, mashed potato and even garlic bread. Each frozen floret weighs 5g and comes in a 2kg pack.
As we all know, it’s vitally important to keep updating and enhancing our ranges and the introduction of these butters can do just that without the need for making any major changes or going through any difficult routines. Just find some space in the freezer and off you go…
At Lucas we don’t normally go in for showing off, but really, based upon their immediate uptake and butchers’ sales, we really do think that Lucas Kitchen Butters are worth a boast!